Monday, September 14, 2009

Pizza Crust

Today I was home with my oldest due to a fever and not feeling well.  Thank goodness I went to the health food store on Saturday to get some ingredients.  I made up 2 pizza crusts and a batch of breadsticks.  Paige and I ate a breadstick for lunch with some of Lance's homemade pizza sauce.  Yummy.

First, I made a batch of Carol's Sorghum Flour Blend:

Then I made 3 batches of Carol Fenster's Pizza Crust.  You can get the recipe here:  (The recipe posted here is slightly different than the one I used.)

The recipe says not to use spray; however, that's all I had.  It actually worked just fine.  The difference may be that I was using a Pampered Chef stone.  I used VERY LITTLE rice flour.
Here's a picture after crust baked 10 minutes and I transferred to a purchased pizza pan.
I'm letting it cool so I can wrap and place in freezer.

I made the third batch into breadsticks:

This recipe made the house smell wonderful.  I'll be excited to try pizza sometime this week.

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